Getting into a US university as an Indian— Explained

Sreelakshmy Suresh
2 min readJun 20, 2021

Most people who start thinking about studying in a university in USA become overwhelmed with the sheer amount of work that lies ahead of them. There are programs to choose from, deadlines to meet, old professors and supervisors to contact, so on and so forth. Adding to the torment is that there is no real source of truthful information out there that can help us make informed decisions. And so, after getting admission into a few renowned universities, and getting my F1 visa approved, I want to write down a comprehensive guide for my fellow aspirants — those who are chasing the American Dream.

On face value, an education in USA seems like an extremely expensive endeavor for middle-class people like yours truly. But with proper planning and calculated risks, this expense can turn into one of the most lucrative investments one can make. I have discovered several things in my own journey that I’ll be sharing as Golden Rules, aimed solely at these decently studious middle-class candidates who are desperate to gain opportunities that their country has denied them.

Part I : First things first. Choosing universities.

This is the part where students get stuck initially. There are hundreds of universities in USA, maybe thousands. But they aren’t all built the same. Prospective students should stay wary of money-making enterprises (degree mills) that bleed international students dry for a degree that is next to worthless to prospective employers. Which brings us to…


This point cannot be overstated. “Top Universities for ___ Engineering” listicles are always littered with names of private universities along with public universities. It doesn’t help either that their names sound like public universities either (looking at you George Washington University).

Not only are public universities way cheaper, they are also more renowned and trusted by employers.

